• 5,729 plays

Salut HON biggrin.gif Désolé pour le retard))Belle sélecta minimaliste..Tjr dans un domaine au porte de l?étrange.. très recherché comme style happy.gif unique en sont genre laugh.gif Mon favoris pour la deuxièmes partie de "Last Magpie" ...plus dark tongue.gif Vraiment un excellent set à recommander... thumbsup.gif
  • April 16, 2013
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DJ Arlene/SistumD
This is Exactly why I use This Site, Not only do you bring to the Table some Fantastic Tracks, I Feel Like I Shared Some Time with you and your Mixes always make that Connection ! emot89.gif
  • April 14, 2013
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Hunt Stamos
"Look man, you can listen to HoN but you can't hear him. There's a difference man. Just because you're listening to him doesn't mean you're hearing him" - White Man Can't Jump (1992)

Tell you what HoN...I'm hearing this one

There's an eerie beauty to the environment that you've provided for our listen...
  • April 13, 2013
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HoN! Always love your mixes man. We have very similar styles and it's great to hear your musical explorations. 50 of course
  • April 13, 2013
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DJ Lord Heyz
amongst the illest tracklist, Hon,
the cover was dope, relentless buildup,
  • April 11, 2013
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Deejay Angelo
14_6_12.gif p... çà cabasse grave !! minimal mais costaud ! je rejoint laurent sur le fait que tu nous emmène toujours aux portes de l'étrange, perso j'ai bien aimé la 2 avec ses nappes un trance par moment, la 7 et la 15, çà légèrement gratouillé par moment ( je dis çà c'est pour t'emm... lol ) s...
  • April 10, 2013
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hot set!! brought my house down!!!
  • April 10, 2013
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Toujours une ambiance aux portes de l'étrange tongue.gif . Une super session avec des passages bien dark et d'autres plus soutenus. Bien sur j'accroche beaucoup plus sur ces passages plus groovy cool.gif . La 7, ca déboite bunny.gif . Nice job mon cher HoN wink.gif
  • April 9, 2013
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9 through to the finale were my faves!
Couldn't stop moving!
Thank you for the pleasure
  • April 9, 2013
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Man this is a good set!
I must have missed it when
you uploaded it, just came
across it. I'm so glad i didn't
miss this HoN!
This isn't a mix you just listen
to, this is a mix you feel! And
for me thats what music is all
Top notch my friend, easily 50pts
of this excellent set...
Much respect for thi...
  • April 8, 2013
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