• 7,235 plays

It is a very nice mix
Please provide a great mix of the future
  • January 31, 2013
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Un mix plein d'energie du début à la fin.
Mais pour moi ça sonne un peu trop grand public.
J'ai beaucoup de mal avec les riffs de guitare dans la musique électronique, je trouve que ça colle pas.
J'espère quand même que cette session se hissera haut dans les charts.
  • November 24, 2011
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QUOTE(Dr.sY @ Yesterday, 03:22 AM)

Thanks im glad you enjoyed but thats just the beginning stay tund to hear more
  • November 24, 2011
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You do not want us to be together?
  • November 24, 2011
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By the way, where is the last track coming from? I don't even know the artist and it's pretty good! blink.gif
Oh, I'm so stupid, thats Cosmonet. biggrin.gif Ok fine, I know it. tongue.gif
  • November 23, 2011
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Wouhouuuu, a newcomer in Psy!!! And what a set. Incredible morning playlist: groovy, funky, yummy. thumbsup.gif
Besides, you are almost full transi all the way. Really amazing risks you take. I'm really impressed! Some mistakes due to those risks but this is the life of a mix, we are not robot. View More
  • November 23, 2011
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Very nice mix buddy, Exceptional tracks and mixed very well indeed.

Good job mate, looking forwards to hearing more smile.gif

  • November 23, 2011
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