• 2,797 plays

i love this one very much, listen to it for the third time right now. the atmosphere it creates is exactly the one, i love in music. dark, moody, sometimes melancholy, sometimes laid back. great work, like almost everything you do biggrin.gif
  • July 8, 2011
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BÄM, that's a pretty cool mix cool.gif
  • July 7, 2011
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Great job hon! I really like this dark atmosphere smile.gif
  • July 7, 2011
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Deejay Angelo
Mais..... lol...... mais bon.... ! Personnellement c'est digne d'un extra-terrestre. Tu es vraiment de chez nous ? Bon je résume. L'intro, j'adore! Mystique, planant et çà demarre en douceur, la dessus tu as l'art et la manière de bien choisir le morceau d'attaque. Après, je suis novice dans ce...
  • July 6, 2011
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Hunt Stamos
HoN I look forward your journeys week in & week out. You have a special ability to make your listener get lost inside the music. Your creativity is truly an inspiration.
  • July 5, 2011
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N'étant pas un grand fan du style, je base mon vote sur la technique qui est parfaite selon moi, je capte même pas les transitions tellement c'est propre et nette donc...tongue.gif . thumbsup.gif
  • July 5, 2011
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DJ kZn
Tight from beginning to end! This is Excellent work. The track selection was simply awesome! Mixing and harmonics spot on! If you can't tell I really liked it!!! thumbsup.gif
  • July 4, 2011
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the ARTISTE 4_17_4.gif
emot66.gif 26_12_4.gif
BRAVO MAN wink.gif
GROS MIX ICI blink.gif
  • July 4, 2011
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ben .....UNE PURE BALLE DE SET tu nous gâte realisation tip top le emerge avec le misanthrop c parfait le passage entre la 10/11 & 12 c'est de la dentelle bravo et merci HoN une valeur sûre !!!
  • July 4, 2011
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D.R beats
loved the deep atmosphere on this one -very distinctive influence HoN. i really liked your thinking on the set structure and the tunes are top drawer as ever. very nicely done my friend
ninja.gif ninja.gif ninja.gif
  • July 4, 2011
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