• 24,640 plays

thumbsup.gif Very well done...not one bit cheesy. It's hard to make a mix like this and keeping a good consistent vibe about it. I'm seriously impressed. Keep it up!
  • January 18, 2011
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Fan des neoretro (ambiance jazzy groovy oblige) ton nouveau mixe m'a encore comblée de bonheur. Merci Neo!
Et ta pochette... J'adore thumbsup.gif
  • January 17, 2011
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Your mix is very wonderful.
I who liked HOUSE was able to become happy feelings.
Hereafter, please make HOUSE fan all over the world happy by cool mix. It assists.
  • January 17, 2011
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super super super super
  • January 17, 2011
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Excellent mixe jazzy groovy à la sauce néo thumbsup.gif . Super original, Der dritte raum me rend fou à chaque fois que je l'entends happy.gif . Super agréable, bon travaille mr alex wink.gif .
  • January 17, 2011
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cool.gif Very cool and different! I really had fun with this! biggrin.gif
  • January 17, 2011
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excellente sélection thumbsup.gif le 1er track c'est une tuerie blink.gif pour la technique dans la première partie de ton mix, je peu pas dire grand chose car c'est pas toujours enchainé ....mais pour les tracks qui le sont dans la 2eme partie, c'est tout bon....! wink.gif
en tout cas ça mérite 50 pour l'originalité thumbsup.gif
  • January 17, 2011
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Allstyle and co
vraiment mais vraiment excellent et original, quel plaisir a écouter que du bonheur
super merci et a bientôt
Allstyle & co
  • January 17, 2011
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thumbsup.gif Neo,I love it my friend. Fun and uplifting! Some very cool tracks here! The only track I felt was out of place with the mix was 2 even though I do like it. I guess we both had the jazz bug this time around! Thanks my friend. It was a pleasure. cool.gif biggrin.gif
  • January 17, 2011
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Nice tracks thanks for sharing this mix.
  • January 17, 2011
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