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Another goos session mate! Top tracks..
  • December 25, 2016
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Gosh, you're gonna have a bright future. There was no one in my gen or above who could do the style like this. There's a saying in life that anglo saxon communities aren't really eclectic in their musical tastes. That's not quite correct. If you go to Germany, France & Italy you'll see the diff. ...
  • December 25, 2016
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Hey doktor@funk, am having a good day. the best christmas ever. your playlist wooed me. This is a great playlist with good stuff not invented serial techniques. With all the rigging out there, I can still hear the waves, the chords, the work. etc. So does it mean the people who make the music kn...
  • December 25, 2016
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This is so awesome. I am listening again in detail to the tracks and to your work. I do pay attention. In case you're not aware, you get assessed every time for every thing every single tilme especially something like this even though my opinion doesn't count (hahah). Thx really great Smile
  • December 24, 2016
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Doctor@funk, you make pleasant listening with a good arrangement always. I think you certainly explore the sound capabilities of your equipment and you work hard at your arrangements to create the effect you intend. intend. I believe picking good tracks make a diff. And avoid staying with the sa...
  • December 24, 2016
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Deejay Angelo
very well done !!
  • December 23, 2016
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Thanks all for comments and support, cheers Smile
  • December 21, 2016
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buen flow con diferentes ritmos buen mix Wink
  • December 21, 2016
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the funk in deep or the deep in funk? whatever! a great mix with good feelings to let flow Wink
  • December 20, 2016
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Anna Yarari Sumpero
Very very nice!!! Smile Smile
  • December 20, 2016
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