June 20, 2011 - 5:58 am


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A fine, fine mix indeed! Upon seeing your tracklist, I was excited by the prospect of a Twelves (a The Twelves?) cover of Take on Me, but I have to admit I was a little underwhelmed. I guess it's hard to improve on sheer pop perfection!

PS. I do the best karaoke version of Take On Me ever. That i...
  • June 22, 2011
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Excellent mix bro blink.gif , nice selection thumbsup.gif
technik waouuuuuuuuu thumbsup.gif
mix HQ DJ HQ wink.gif
THANX my friend
  • June 22, 2011
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hey mate!

big mix!
  • June 22, 2011
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Dj Guido P
This is one of the most intresting mix listened recently. I love your style mate, always unconventional and rare. Maximum respect for you and your work thumbsup.gif
  • June 20, 2011
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Well done my freind,it's a original mix,like the transition on track 2,3,my favorites 1,3,5,8,10,14,17....good stuff ninja.gif tongue.gif thumbsup.gif
  • June 20, 2011
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great job !!!!!!!!! thumbsup.gif thumbsup.gif thumbsup.gif
  • June 20, 2011
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Each time, your mixes make me happy !
The Hunt's Formula !
Love the progression of this one.
The different transitions between the first tracks are so easy and so fluid...
  • June 20, 2011
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Primal Groove
thanks for the morning cubicle tunes.i must say that this has a bit of a different sound and progression than your other mixes, this one is a bit more pop sounding, more "raise the roof" haha. i have had that first track for a few months, and i almost put it into my last mix, but it just wasn't the...
  • June 20, 2011
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I don't need to say how good this is, I'm just a massive fan of your mixes. I always look forward to the next one. This is another gem in the series - quality music mixed perfectly, which I will be playing wherever and whenever I can, because people need to hear your work. I can't pick out individua...
  • June 20, 2011
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Excellent mix mate, nice selection thumbsup.gif . A little too much saturation on track 8 sad.gif But good job.
  • June 20, 2011
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