0:00, intro mi DJ STRAHL, , 20:45, Onyx (Illitheas remix), RONNY K., Songbird, 3, 5:36, the end of everything (original mix), RICHARD SANDER & LOST SUNRISE, Colorful, 4, 12:12, occlusion (Jamie Walker emotional mix), DAVE HORNE MEETS ECONU, Nu Depth, 5, 16:51, all is now (Jorn Van Deynhoven remix), GARETH EMERY & ACTIVA, Garuda, 6, 23:48, if it ain't broke (original mix), DANIEL KANDI & PHILLIP ALPHA, Enhanced, 7, 29:39, gate 4 (Hoyaa remix), ANGEL ACE, Only One, 8, 35:29, Nachiketa (original mix), NEWTON, Above, 9, 43:22, what you want (Trance Arts Uplifting mix), HYSTERIA!, Songbird, 10, 50:19, backwards, 7 BALTIC, Actuate, 11, 56:37, across...
0:00, intro mi DJ STRAHL, , 20:45, Onyx (Illitheas remix), RONNY K., Songbird, 3, 5:36, the end of everything (original mix), RICHARD SANDER & LOST SUNRISE, Colorful, 4, 12:12, occlusion (Jamie Walker emotional mix), DAVE HORNE MEETS ECONU, Nu Depth, 5, 16:51, all is now (Jorn Van Deynhoven remix), GARETH EMERY & ACTIVA, Garuda, 6, 23:48, if it ain't broke (original mix), DANIEL KANDI & PHILLIP ALPHA, Enhanced, 7, 29:39, gate 4 (Hoyaa remix), ANGEL ACE, Only One, 8, 35:29, Nachiketa (original mix), NEWTON, Above, 9, 43:22, what you want (Trance Arts Uplifting mix), HYSTERIA!, Songbird, 10, 50:19, backwards, 7 BALTIC, Actuate, 11, 56:37, across the sea (Paul Todd remix), RICHARD SANDER PRES. RISING SUN, Defcon, 12, 62:07, January (original mix), MED & PHIL METCALFE, Defcon, 13, 69:25, life goes on (Ronny K. emotion remix), TUOMAS J, Defcon, 14, 74:34, Sequile (Ronny K. emotion mix), EMOTIA, Defcon, 15, 81:53, deep reflections (original mix), MARTIN LIBSEN, Silent Shore, 16, 88:17, freedom seekers (Arctic Moon remix), BINARY FINARY & TRENT MCDERMOTT, Insight NEXT EPISODE: TranceverStrahl episode 57 on Monday, April 18th from 20:00 to 21:00 (CET) on Puls' Trance (www.pulsradio.com Trance channel) ! :wink