February 17, 2011 - 3:45 pm


29 Votes
70.93 2,032 17 Comments
bob sell
really really great dub party mix. really!
  • February 23, 2011
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biggrin.gif I like the smooth intro and the otherwise mild but atmospheric intro tracks. Picks up steam by minute 28 or so and offers as a nice variety plate of dub sounds well into the ending. The vocals of track 20 were well welcomed just before finish, the blends were tight all over. thumbsup.gif Like always your cov...
  • February 22, 2011
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Nice job there Dj!! Thank You for tis one Will keep the fire of the Beat!
  • February 20, 2011
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Primal Groove
very ambient mix, #14 is unreal!!! nicely done. ill esha track is sick too! biggrin.gif
  • February 19, 2011
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really enjoying this mix, not really into the dubstep but this is just right for me, usually it's a bit too harsh but this has a great chilled vibe throughout and smoothly mixed. Keep up the great work smile.gif Cheers thumbsup.gif thumbsup.gif
  • February 18, 2011
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i like this mix
  • February 18, 2011
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Very nice. I can't help but think of the apocalypse again, but this one has more robo-rape in it than the previous one. Those pitch bending tracks are really crazy. #13 was really tight, and I was especially feeling 16 to the end. Great work.
  • February 18, 2011
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D.R beats
good stuff man really lovin this. cool.gif
MORE COMMENT N VOTES for this man!!!!
  • February 18, 2011
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ninja.gif Please support the DJ
  • February 17, 2011
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Digital Defeckt
Much more variety on this dubstep mix HoN! Good work! Coming right out the gate with badass attitude. ninja.gif A higher contrast compared to your last works but still within your style, mad props! The cover... speaks to me silently as it stares right at me.
  • February 17, 2011
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