January 29, 2006 - 11:42 am


40 Votes
92 796 29 Comments
Excellent mix. one of the best i have heard in my life. Where DJ Go plays? thumbsup.gif
  • August 19, 2010
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happy.gif happy.gif happy.gif happy.gif happy.gif
  • March 20, 2010
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Why so hard to find "Mara 1974" been trying to find for such a long time on mp3 format or wave any help me plse biggrin.gif Love this mix...
  • January 14, 2008
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TUnneeeeeeeeeeee Big UPS Go ohmy.gif huh.gif biggrin.gif
  • April 27, 2007
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james one
j'ai enfin pu l'écouter en entier et aussi changer mon vote.
je ne devais pas etre dans l'esprit du mix ce jour là!

je ne suis pas tres dark dans mes gouts musicaux.
mais ton mix mérite amplement un 5 j'en ai mis 4 pour l'ensemble de l'oeuvre.

quant à jamesone il est toujours:
"à la recherche du mix...
  • April 14, 2006
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dj ente
as promised here's my opinion

this mix is pure energy... not entirely my cup of tea, personally i prefer a little bit softer sounds... definetely for those who are into this kind of electro-house music it's 5 my rating: 4

  • March 12, 2006
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