8 Votes
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Dear Peaceful!
Keep up the good work, we enjoy our soundtracks wink.gifHave a nice day,
  • January 15, 2012
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Thank you your mixes are exelents.
  • October 29, 2010
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DJ Kurbdogg
thanks for the tips.i do tend to rush,for i want to get the blend quicker.i appreciate the help,most dj's don't want to help the so called competition,i don't see competition...i see fellow musicians.thanks for the support.
  • October 26, 2010
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Effect One
oh man , here is a good advice for you , take your time to mix , dont rush everything in each other .
Count on the beats in your earphone before beatmatching , once you are sure the beat is correctly set then pay with your faders .
dont forget each track has atleast 3 minutes to find the correct beat...
  • October 26, 2010
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wink.gif g thumbsup.gif ood music..........fine mix.....
  • October 22, 2010
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thumbsup.gif Well done. Nice track selection.
  • October 13, 2010
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DJ Kurbdogg
I just want to thank all those who checked me out so far.I appreciate the comments and tips,as I am a "Rookie". THANK YOU!!
  • October 11, 2010
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Very cool Tracks
need to work on the mixing wink.gif
  • October 10, 2010
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great awesome transitions and mixes
  • October 9, 2010
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