0:00, Backroom Honey, Saeed Younan, [Kult], 206:48, Jazzy Stuff, Neuroxyde & Doomwork, [Cr2], 3, 12:35, March on Swan Lake, Tomas Barfod & Fredski, [Get Physical], 4, 17:07, Rare Tap (2000 and One Cut), Sandy Huner, [Remote Area], 5, 22:40, Flauta Magica, Funkagenda & Mark Knight, [Toolroom], 6, 28:26, Catwalk, Bart Skils, [Remote Area], 7, 32:30, Encore, Anton Pieete, [Remote Area], 8, 35:00, Feel Like Doing, David Labeij, [Remote Area], 9, 39:02, Jesmond, Adam Shaw & Tim Weeks, [Toolroom], 10, 44:18, Sun Step, Oxia, [8bit], 11, 49:07, Downpipe, D.Ramirez & Mark Knight, [Toolroom], 12, 55:29, Brain on the Side, Popof, [Form] This should probably be renamed to Techno Therapy as there are more Techno tunes than Tech!
Starts of funky and slightly tribalish and finishes off with a bit of tech.