October 5, 2009 - 10:59 pm


109 Votes
64.95 4,719 87 Comments
  • October 8, 2009
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Dennis P.
Very nice, kept me moving ! !
  • October 8, 2009
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java script:emoticon('smile'Wink
  • October 8, 2009
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DJ Chris Lamb
I'm not usually a fan of electro, but the further I get into this set the more I'm digging it.

great set. smile.gif
  • October 8, 2009
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around the horn with remix glory!
Next challenge...pick out 16 tunes...
all that you feel will be classics in 5-10 years...
this will show me if you are more vocal or tech or deep. my 2$ smile.gif jefr
  • October 8, 2009
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Great mix, awesome tracks.
  • October 8, 2009
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One Release
very nice mix , love the tune selection , keep it up
  • October 8, 2009
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Sean McK
Great mix, keep up the good work lad!!
  • October 7, 2009
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wink.gif cool.gif cool.gif cool.gif cool.gif cool.gif
  • October 7, 2009
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DJ Rosco
Really enjoyed this mix.!! Top Job, keep them coming..
biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
  • October 7, 2009
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