0:00, gamma ray, alpha child, delusions of grandeur, 2, 2:47, this is a lonely beat, john daly, drumpoet community, 3, 4:48, mistral, john salway, bedrock records, 4, 8:00, belleville, rone, infine usic, 5, 10:20, johnny eres tu , loko, soulman music, 6, 12:30, set it off, butch, great stuff recirdings, 7, 16:30, dolphin, schubert, aurora music, 8, 19:50, luciola, alex celler, tuning spork, 9, 22:50, the tunnel, cirez d , mouseville, 10, 27:40, pandora, rodrigues jr., leena music, 11, 30:00, bass bath, lunacy sound diision, ambioshere recordings, 12, 33:50, dubai, siopis, get physical music, 13, 36:50, isla, doomrock, neurotraxx deluxe, 14, 41:50, lasso, 2raumwohnung, it sounds, 15, 44:30, lotus eaters, stephen beaupre, agon repair, 16, 49:00, ethno ft. pravin, g ext , soulman music, 17, 52:30, bora hit, ralfus, soulman music, 18, 56:30, deep waters, echofusion, loco records Yiftach Giladi, techno dj, Tel Aviv, House music, deep techno, deep house dj, israel parties, techno party tel aviv, techhouse dj