0:00, Sunrise 5 am (Dezza mix), Allexinno, Funktion recordings, 2, 5:59, What a fxxxxing, Makotra Frame recordings, 3, 13:46, Distant bar (gutterstylez vocal mix), Astrid Suryanto, Armada, 4, 21:55, Aladdin (original mix), Alter Breed, T-Freq, 5, 28:43, Juniper (original mix), Dee keepers, Sick watona, 6, 35:04, Is there anybody there (Austin Leedz mix), Quivver, Boz Boz, 7, 41:18, East block (Komytea mix), DJ Slater Duca tegma, Tribal Vision recordings, 8, 48:31, Raptor (original mix), Cirez D, Mouseville, 9, 56:14, Green space (original mix), Bansi Riktam, Plastik park, 10, 61:45, If i could fly (Jaytech mix), Above & Beyond, White, 11, 67:53, Maida Vegas (Jay Kay mix), Bentley Ben Gomori, White, 12, 72:57, The sound of goodbye (EDX indian summer mix), Armin Van Buuren, Armind (Armada) My tribute to the spirit of a clubbing institution, 12 beautifully melodic tracks to take you from sunset to sunrise. would love to hear everyone's feedback. peace everyone I.D xx