0:00, james dean cool, jerome isma-ae, baroque, 2, 6:20, ready to go, tomcraft, kosmomusic, 3, 11:00, remember me, ballroom , g tracks, 4, 18:20, timewarp, lützkirchen, spin out, 5, 23:20, searching for nena, rock & ash, yoko, 6, 29:00, just to feel, rpo, rpo digital, 7, 35:12, fuck me on the dancefloor, doc phat, vip recordings, 9, 46:50, unknown, unknown, unknown, 10, 53:10, rich of madness, collins & behnam, ps recordings, 11, 56:50, unknown, unknown, unknown, 12, 62:10, pulverturm, niels van gogh, gt 2, 13, 68:10, i feel love, kevin duvall, tiger, 14, 75:50, hör auf damit, durchblick, 38 db tonsportgruppe AHOI! this mix was recorded on the 3rd day of our silvesterparty 08/09.... thats the time when i usally get my "flying fingers" and thats the best time to mix some vinyls...so everything can happen when iam at that level ! hope u like it .. SailHo ! elCapitan