August 9, 2008 - 6:37 am


7 Votes
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Headfon Junkie
U Bas#@!d, this is the best I've heard from u, really. You mixed up the songs so well. It's found a permanent spot on my MP3 Player. Listening to it, I feel like an alien free-floating in some far away Galaxy. The first two tracks just set the mood for the rest of it. You really captured it. I just ...
  • October 5, 2008
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Mr SunShine
Im not that experienced in djing...but am here now,and im not leaving for a very long time!!!...I believe that my mixes send a message to the fans of House Music,each one depending on my mood at that certain time,but all bound to move you in a certain way!!!....

Mr SunShine
Nawe Uyazi!!!
  • August 9, 2008
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