June 24, 2008 - 6:49 am


210 Votes
125.23 3,903 159 Comments
Right here we go,

First track gets me going right from the start!!smilesmile.gifsmile.gif great opener track, like the tribal drum sounds in this track alot...

Mix to track 2, very very smooth great drop point too... no fault whats so ever!! great second tuuune too, love the vocals on this track very hot!!! i feel it...
  • July 10, 2008
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DJ Nyano

I'm sorry for this hard times for you.
My compilations are all about the way of our lives, and in our lives we counter a lot of emotions. Love and happiness, Hate and sadness, new live and death.

You are now in an period of sadness in the way of your life. Its not always easy to express your feelin...
  • July 10, 2008
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im sorry about your DAD, but sooner or later is something that we have to live. your mix is great , i like uplifting trance more than house but this set really like me, thanks and keep mixing
  • July 10, 2008
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I am sorry about your loss, I do think it is great that even in these hard times you were able to produce something so great. Your dad would be happy too.
  • July 10, 2008
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DJ Smokie
Sometimes a mix just grabs you and won't let go....this mix did it, I was hooked the whole mix ...very nice....I truely enjoyed it!

DJ Smokie
  • July 10, 2008
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DJ Goodie
Sorry to hear , good way to donate this mix!!
  • July 10, 2008
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Sorry to hear about your loss, no doubt he'll be proud of you and this. A mix welldone!
  • July 9, 2008
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BLISS.I'm so sorry to hear your dad passed away .I wish you to be safe and secure don't to be grieved.This is a great mix for you father and occupant.I very like this mix...profusion touch people deeply.respect.Chris Lee

  • July 9, 2008
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quality mix for a quality cause... respect.

  • July 9, 2008
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I'm very sorry for your Dad, I hope he is in a better place now. This is a great mix for him. Congratulations!
  • July 9, 2008
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