
From nottingham
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  • DJ BigVic DJ BigVic
  • Draco Draco
  • DjEagle DjEagle
  • Dj Kayla Miles Dj Kayla Miles
  • birdtastic birdtastic
  • DJ Mojito DJ Mojito
DJ Mojito
Many thanks again, this time for your vote and your comment about my second R´n´B mix this year!
And you have voted "30", that is better and correct! Hope to get a "50" from you one day - hahaha!
Hey DJBongo! Glad you liked the Classic rock mix!! I really appreciate all of your support, it's music lovers like you that make me love to do what I do!! smile
Thanks again for listening to my 80's and 90's mixes!! Really appreciate the nice vote and comments and all your support!!! smile
DJ Mojito
Soest / NRW / Germany, I hope to see you HERE again, if you like, and that you vote better then smile
DJ Mojito
Hello there!
First: Many thanks for your votes and comments about THREE of my mixes! That´s great, and I´m pleased about it!
But you have voted three times "10"! "10" is a vote for a mix which you don´t...
Thanks for the nice comment and vote on my 80's mix!! Glad you enjoyed!! smile
DJ BigVic
thanks for the Poker Face mix vote smile
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