Thank you very much for your vote on my Never Stop Party mix, you rocks !!!
The new one : Snowy Party 2009 is online.
You can check it out on my profile.
And, as usual, if you love it, don't forget to vote a 50 for it 
Stay tuned for next sounds from Ibiza...
Jeem Collins
hi, schönen dank für deine stimme und unterstützung...
grüsse aus wien
hey vielen dank für deinen support
Gruß BT
Hello CJ Slight, great to meet you, I wanted to kindly thank you for listening to , voting and commenting on "The Decepticonz". Much respect sir.
Hi CJ Slight, many thanks for your vote to my Asylum Party 2009 mix. The new one : Tribute to Wonderland Ibiza Closing 2009 is now online. Just click on my name to find it.
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