Hi Giga!
Danke fürs anhören und die resonanz!
Ja, ich bau gerne schichtweise auf und wenn mans nicht weiß, kann man beim kurz reinzappen schonmal den falschen eindruck bekommen!
viellen dank auf jeden fall!
grüße nach HH*
* (too long) * ... without getting the brutality of those lyrics, but it obviously is. thx so much. smile
oh HoN, you made me happy. thx so much for explaining your thoughts. i was really not sure, but you completely got the point. it´s a mix made out of frustration, yes, even hate about development of ma...oh HoN, you made me happy. thx so much for explaining your thoughts. i was really not sure, but you completely got the point. it´s a mix made out of frustration, yes, even hate about development of mankind in all it´s aspects that affect life "as it is", e.g. politics, economics, but even the social "living together". i was quite uncertain if it´s to figure out without getting the
thx a lot, however i´m wondering, most of the effect is based on the lyrics, and people who don´t understand them (i guess) are voting for it. strange thing. maybe i simply don´t get the irony xD
thx a lot. that was a real huge compliment. thx smile
thx a lot, glad you liked it smile
Thanks for your comment and vote my friend! Cheers!
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