I started DJing under the alias "DJ Schlechter Übergang". This German name means "DJ Bad Transition". I did ambient, xperimental kind of stuff, and still use this name for all kind of non-club music. These mixes don´t focus that much on perfect mixing, but on "interesting " music.
My other alias is "DJ Disco Depp". It means "DJ Disco Dumbass". Under this name you´ll find all my dancefloor-oriented, beat-driven mixes. I do this kind of stuff since 2009.
In preparation for my inevitable international career I changed my DJ name in june 2010 to "Intellectual Zombie feat. Lotus Eaters".
In January 2011 I started to broadcast on the public Hamburg-based radio station TIDE 96.0 The title of my radioshow is "Flashback Signals". If you live near Hamburg, you can listen to the show twice a month, on first and third Sunday morning at 4 o´clock on UKW (FM) 96.0. TIDE also has a livestream, so if you want to listen to the show, but live somewhere far far away: