DJ Adish

From Vienna, Austria
Basic Info
Birth Date:
June 4, 1975
Last Login:
May 23, 2010
Member Since:
March 25, 2009
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About Me
DJ Adish was born and grew up in Vienna/Austria. He already discovered his love for music in his childhood years by listening to the big spectre of sound, his parents owned in their vinyl collection.
A new Era in his life was the upcoming new sound in the early 1990ies called Techno. In this time he stepped into the electronic world and also started to spin the wheels of steel. He became Resident DJ at the legendary Club Muscarin Parties from 1994 to 1996.
Back in these days he also bought his first music computer.
This equpipment changed his way of making sound completly. From now on he was producing all kind of electronic music, always willing to be influenced by fresh sounds coming from the underground .

Since that time has been working for all kind of productions like jingles, dance-theater, sounddesign, radioproduction, pop-music and so on.

As DJ he has played and is playing since the 1990ies various styles in various clubs in Austria and Germany.