
From Barcelona, Spain
Basic Info
Birth Date:
May 31, 1983
Last Login:
March 12, 2012
Member Since:
February 4, 2009
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About Me
May the 31st of 1983, XaviDee was born in the Catalan city of Barcelona, one of the cities with more music & club culture of Spain.
At age of 14 in his first visits to clubs he discovered a new world, the atmosphere & finally, the music plaid by the Deejay's.
Since then, he really got into electronic music.
It wouldn’t be until the age of 18 when he enters the world of mixing, theoretically trained in an academy & acquiring at the age of 20 his firs dj’s equipment. .
His music style always passes through all the derivatives of house and techno & looking for new sounds. His set’s are explosive floods of energy, in which, the public infects them self to the rate that XaviDee transmits in his set’s with a great music selection & very energetic mixes.
XaviDee has passed through cabins like the one of Pacha (Sitges), Carpas Bora Bora (El Bruc), Elektra tendence club (Viladecans) & private partys.