Gruß zurück, von der Wupper XD
bin ja nicht sooo lang hier an der Wupper nur fürs Studium ^^
Thanks for the vote. Definitely appreciate it. Tschüss
To my MixUp family:Introducing my progressive/chill anniversary mix-- 360 Moons!(how long I've been djing) please come celebrate with me.... Can I lay down the chill grooves? You decide!
DJ timakmt s...To my MixUp family:Introducing my progressive/chill anniversary mix-- 360 Moons!(how long I've been djing) please come celebrate with me.... Can I lay down the chill grooves? You decide!
DJ timakmt says-WOW! Loved this mix to bits.MASSIVE 50 from me.
DJ Sanjeevan says-superb! A must have set... download it guys!! Back to my usual tricks next week!
grüße an die wupper
hello frm Boston!!My new mix--PARTY MSTRPEACE is my best in the electro/funky/fidget/chop genre...i would appreciate your opinion as i put many hours into it. power to the dj's thx jefr
thanks a lot for the nice music...and the comments on my page XD
have a nice day
Hello, thanks for the vote and the listening

Greeting from Geneva
Hello, thanks for the vote and the listening

Greeting from Geneva
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