Frunze Veaceslav

From chisinau, Moldova, Republic of
Basic Info
Birth Date:
December 7, 1983
Last Login:
June 1, 2016
Member Since:
November 6, 2008
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About Me
And beginning in 1992 golden year musical career in 1998 for the first time I recorded the first set for a local radio and in that time already active at a disco where we understand that as my life without music is meaningless!
It is obvious and we all know that music plays a role in everyone’s life so important. Maybe so and there are people with musical talent that brings to everyday reality which has no end limit sound. I am here with the idea to make a step towards the evolution of sound, are here to find the shortest path to mechanisms which awakens in us only moments of happiness which makes you think the energy to move.
I am here to be happy with the beautiful music of my imagination!