big up phatbeats, . . luv ya all. thanks for all the 'bump di bumps,' . xxx
or reet, i wuz propper buzzin tonite wiv them tunes, . . put a smile back on mi face, . .ta much, .xx
BLISS posted on debo's wall.
Thanx for supporting the TDV Party mix and keeping his musical flame alive...much appreciated
alreet there me darlin... yeh everthins hunky dorey down these parts. glad your enjoyin my sound so keep on listenin

Thanks for your comment mate! hope your cooool!!!
or reet, . how's u, check'd out sum of ya mixes, . 'bob-on, xx
or reet, . how's u, ya got sum top mixes there, shud beable uplaod mi own soon,. im only a bedroom dj tho, . . lol . xx
or reet, not got a clue wot do on ere, . lol. just need find how vote, . see ya at 7 for sum bump, di bumps, . x
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