
From Bruxelles, Belgium
Fiverr Sound Effects
  • Kris-Sheppard Kris-Sheppard
  • Mr. Nice Guy Mr. Nice Guy
  • Tareq El Kassaby Tareq El Kassaby
  • ct2000 ct2000
  • DJ Spyre DJ Spyre
  • djjohnnyice djjohnnyice
  • Shane Mahon ( S Dot Vee ) Shane Mahon ( S Dot Vee )
  • MadameFLY MadameFLY
  • DJ Ajm DJ Ajm
  • GetAtMe GetAtMe
  • brads1 brads1
  • Orb Orb
hola ya hace mucho tiempo que no hacia una sesion,os dejo esta sesion de breaks del 2019,un saludo a todos.

Hi, it's been a long time since I had a session, I leave this break session of 2019, greeting...
os dejo este enlace por si lo quereis escuchar

I leave this link in case you want to hear
hello I leave this session of breaks of 2017/2018 if you want to hear it.
hola os dejo esta sesion de breaks de 2017/2018 por si os apetece escucharla.
hello I leave this session of house if you want to listen to it and believe me if I tell you that it is worth listening to only seeing the tracklist.

good I leave this new session of breaks if you want to hear.
buenas amigos aqui estoy otra vez aprovechando un poco de mi tiempo libre para hacer lo que me gusta,os dejo otra nueva mezcla de breaks,un saludo a todos,paz.

good friends here I am again taking adva...
I leave this session of deep house, house and progressive house, a greeting to all, peace.
Hello, I leave this mix of house 2017, greetings to all, peace
Hello, I leave another new mix of breaks, a greeting to all, peace.
well, I'll leave this mix sorry for the inconvenience friends apparently someone deleted the mix by mistake, greetings to all, peace.
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