Yo Bro ;-) thx fuers adden, startest hier ja richtig durch..weiter so!!! cosmiclight und meine besten Wünsche für Dich

c.u. yoshie
Progressive Trance Djmix
(Promo Version)
Hi edward, how are you today? much thx for support my artworksmile I wish U a great christmas-time and all the best vibes from here to there..love and light arif aka yoshiMitzue
Hi Deejay Angelo, much thanx 4 your support smile greetz, L & L..
Doin great! thanks, hopin' the same for you, looking forward to the next one! peace.
hi Mate,
how are U today?
i hope great,
so much thanx 4 ur comment, vote and support. I welcome U in my friendlist.
my best wishez, respect and a lot of greetz from here 2 there smile stay tuned!
Thank you very much for your vote, comment and supportsmile greatly appreciated!
Hi welccome here, Thanx 4 support. All the best from here to there! smile
Hi, big thanx für deinen support !!
Ick wünsch Dir einen supasunny sommer 2011, vieleicht sieht man sich ja mal auf'm floor smile
beste grüsse von um die ecke...yoshiMitzue
My friend thank U 4 your support.
I'am so glad & happy about Ur great comment !!
I send my best wishes, cosmiclight and respect from here to Mexico...best regards yoshiMitzue smile
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