Taking you through a wave of not just acid techno, but also very different beats! Some people might call it old skool, very breaky with a warpy 808, moogy acid and chunky underground sheek (FILTH).
I can on the other hand tell you, that it is definitely not for the faint hearted. It dives deep into a to really grimy Dubby, Techy and analogue psychedelic spectrum.
You CAN LOOK FORWARD to hearing Artist of the likes of and only to name a few!!!
Anklepants, Neil Landstrumm, Sawf, Wee Djs, Dubit, Martyn, Voidloss, Lone, Edmx, Pererelist,Paul Rich,Chris Moss Acid. Temudo,Notzing, Acid Walker, Aphex Twin, KVD,Graze, Moog Dub, PInch and many more!
ONE Thing is for sure is that this is not a planned out mix! It will in some places be overwhelming i hope.. MY STYLE of mixing, is to sample and sample. Free sometimes four records at once and a few didgital wavs too, to make what i like to call the techno void. (:!!!ENJOY!!! 
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