Yeah, it's very good
Greetings all,
I hope you are enjoying the weekend as much as I am. I have been hard at work on a mix all week and I'm not waiting tomorrow to share it with you all, wassup would be with that anyway.. rrright?!? I know... I am crazy, crazy... crazy... craz... cra... cr... (listen if you wanna know wassup with the crazy part!)
This is my first take on Nu Disco / Indie Dance. But I have also added a lot of samples and own background beats. Please give it a listen, share / vote / listen again if you like it, complaint if you don't, either way it's all good! 
Have an awesome weekend!
Love & peace to all,
Yes, happy days, happy sun, happy beach
DJ Draganeskool updated his profile information.
Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoy this, I've just started with my sounds here...
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