
From Québec, Canada
Fiverr Dj Drops
  • Dj Daffy Dj Daffy
  • djjohnnyice djjohnnyice
  • justin mason justin mason
  • rubix cube rubix cube
  • DJFilth DJFilth
  • paule paule
  • Oscar P Oscar P
  • tomupton tomupton
Hello my friend))thank you very much for support and comment, much appreciated, cheers...Zorkan
Thanks for all the support smile
Tim Angrave
Hiya matey. BIG BIG Thank You for your support. Tim.
DJ Smokie
Thanks for the Vote and nice words...Much Respect
DJ Smokie
Thank you for listening, voting and commenting on my last mix on road to kaZantip09 Greeting from toulouse
DJ Rosco
Thanks for listening and voting on my mix "lovin this life"
I'm working on a new Electro/House mix so I'll send u an invite to listen when it's posted.
Thanks again for your support.
DJ Rosco.
Thank you for listening, voting and commenting on my mix
hello frm Boston!!My new mix--PARTY MSTRPEACE is my best in the electro/funky/fidget/chop genre...i would appreciate your opinion as i put many hours into it. power to the dj's thx jefr
Tim Angrave
Hello matey. Thanks loads for your support on 'The Sound 3.' It's very much appreciated, Tim.
Dj New-B
thanks for you vote!!
thanks for droppin the "z kiss" mix!! jefr
hey...you bump some mixes i like on mixup!!. love to have you listen to my newest mix...fidget love. mixin' for life jefr
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