Aron Vizer

From Moscow, Russian Federation
Basic Info
Birth Date:
April 28, 1995
Last Login:
September 13, 2014
Member Since:
September 13, 2014
RSS Subscribers:
Journalist, Promoter
Hip Hop, Trance, Techno, House, Reggae, Dance, Jungle, Downtempo, Unclassifiable, Rock, Pop, Indie, Jazz, Classical, Blues
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eDedeejay Page
About Me
I'm singer and musician. All people who know me,say:"Oh shit! You have talent,you should going in future with music!!! You can and you should be star,I (we) want see you at the television and listening you voice every day!!!!". I think I'm normal men,who not characterized from other people. I don't know,why they are treat me so strange,and why they are so love my voice and mine creativity, charisma... Heey,people!! I'm perfectly ordinary,please keep in mind it!
I feel negative emotions if people lie me(Because I see every lies),and I'm try live not truthfully. My soul...khm..I think I lost it somewhere...ohh,doesn't matter,it's not important for me. I can live without lie and soul,and absence soul don't prevents me be successful and famous in my town,and in other towns where I been. But,having such Saturated life(May be it's strange),I don't consider myself special. I'm ordinary man,and everyone can think about me then what he want.A free country in which everyone has a legitimate right to freedom of expression, but the law doesn't say,that after your words,You stay free. My slogan-do what you love,and love what you do. I think it's exactly position,because what you wait from your life,later then you get it,this is law of life,unchanging axiom.
Don't worry,love music,be happy✌️