Stevie Dee'j

From Ashington
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Stevie Dee'j
thanx for the vote and comment smile
Stevie Dee'j
Hey, please take a listen to my new vocal house mix, sunset funk, its getting good review, thanx stevie dee'j
Luke Alan
well done on sunset funk!
check out my mix Exactly!
Stevie Dee'j
Hey, please take a listen to my new vocal house mix, sunset funk, thanx stevie dee'j
Stevie Dee'j
Hey luke, please take a listen to my new vocal house mix, sunset funk, thanx stevie dee'j
Stevie Dee'j
Hey, please take a listen to my new vocal house mix, sunset funk, thanx stevie dee'j
Stevie Dee'j
thanx for the vote and comment, cheers bud
Stevie Dee'j
Hey ni dj, please take a listen to my new vocal house mix, sunset funk, thanx stevie dee'j
Stevie Dee'j
Hey 4gates, please take a listen to my new vocal house mix, sunset funk, thanx stevie dee'j
Stevie Dee'j
Hey sharp-e, please take a listen to my new vocal house mix, sunset funk, thanx stevie dee'j
Stevie Dee'j
Hey filth, please take a listen to my new vocal house mix, sunset funk, thanx stevie dee'j
cheers mate, thanks for the vote and comment!
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