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Deejay Angelo
en France, çà marche aussi la bière , tu peux rajouté le pastis lol avec un peu d'eau ( pas trop ) faut pas perdre le gout lol !!
Minute b4 Midnight
Ucron- Wanted to drop off this mix and see if you would grade for me.. thanks http://www.mix.dj/mixes/4740504/djroyceFREQUENCY_S...
Deejay Angelo
ah ah !! merci pour le soutien et ton super com !! du coup j'ai soif !!
Deejay Angelo
Salut Cousin du Canada lol, merci pour le soutien, que du bonheur, fais toc toc quand tu posteras ton prochain, çà bombarde de tous les cotés, j'ai du mal à suivre , voudrais pas le rater lol
As always thank you for the nice and kind words Ucron !! Glad you enjoyed the mix !, my favorites were definitely From this world and for once a hard hitting electro track Nevada haha. but again many ...
Thanks buddy for the vote!!
DJ Lord Heyz
Thanks for your support on "Steppin' Thru" we really appreciate it, have a great week, and greetings to Valleyfield from London & NYC!
Deejay Angelo
my god !! quel commentaire ! on t'en remercie, çà fait vraiment plaisir !! bonne semaine à toi et encore merci
D.R beats
hey Ucron cheers for the vote. great to have your support
Ucron, really appreciate your comments and sharing that mix, honestly means alot man! Your feedback on my mixes is always key to making more smile . Got a new project in the works too that Im pretty e...
D.R beats
hi thanks for voting on my mix
Cool smile.
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