thanks for your vote and comment
thanks for the BREAK UP mix feedback smile
thanks for supporting my mix Miss Chocolate smile
merçi pour ton écoute & soutien
Hey there

Thank you very much for your support

greets d.
Hiya HUGE Thanks for your support on 'Electro City Nights.' I really appreciate it, Tim.
Many thanks for your vote and comment on my new R´n´B - mix!
The mix is "not bad"? Good stuff and excellent mixing, sir!
Greetings from Soest / NRW / Germany to the Netherlands and I´m looking forward t...Many thanks for your vote and comment on my new R´n´B - mix!
The mix is "not bad"? Good stuff and excellent mixing, sir!
Greetings from Soest / NRW / Germany to the Netherlands and I´m looking forward to meet you again, ok?
Takk Mauro to take the time to listen and comment my set.
I really appreciated your vote.
your picture remaine me my ex-girlfriend a redhead.
Thanks buddy for your vote and comment!
Glad you like the mix!
Keep dancing!
thanks for your vote mate..
Thanks for listenig and voting, much appreciated, cheers, Baz Watkins.
Hey! Thanks a bunch for your comment and vote, I really appreciate it! Keep in touch, all the best to you.
Drum Junkie
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