Steve Kuma

From Hastings
Basic Info
Birth Date:
March 6, 1972
Last Login:
November 12, 2013
Member Since:
November 9, 2013
RSS Subscribers:
About Me
I've been DJing since the early 90s, having learnt to mix on borrowed decks and borrowed time. I cut my teeth playing Rave and Happy Hardcore, then made the not-so-smooth transition into the House scene during the mid-90s. It was about this time I got my first club gigs, introducing (hate 'warming up') for the likes of Roy The Roach, Alex P and Stretch (Stretch & Vern).
A move to Brighton for Uni in 97 prompted a jump on the Big Beat Bandwagon, where I generally enjoyed a more bouncy, eclectic experience. But after graduating, I took a DJing hiatus to concentrate on other career goals.
After this break I was offered a Saturday night residency which enabled me to broaden the box. I'm currently dropping a veritable mixed, tossed salad including classic Hip Hop, Indie crossover, all manner of House tunes and good old fashioned dance music.
If it rocks, its in the box!
In the words of the Big Beat Boutique (God Rest It's Soul) - 'Party Rockin, Genre Trashin, Bollocks'