
From Rabenau, Germany
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  • tomupton tomupton
  • johnnynostars johnnynostars
  • djjohnnyice djjohnnyice
  • Dj Daffy Dj Daffy
  • Groovedoctor3000 Groovedoctor3000
  • JefrTale JefrTale
  • Mr SunShine Mr SunShine
Thanks man for listening voting and commenting on my ChillOut session, Have a great weekend, Nizzy smile
Nick Voke
thanks for the support mate
i know what you mean tho - sumtimes its not as tight as it could be but i think that comes with not planning sets - im just feelin the mix as it goes along and sum transitions are well over 2 minutes smile
iv only been mixing bout a year an a half tho
anyway should have a new mix up soon hope you enjoy it!
hey...i see you tracking tribal mixes... i think you'll like my brand new mix called Drum Rocket...kind of a club electro tribal xover... love your thoughts. drop by anytime! jefr
Baz Watkins
Thanks for listening and voting, much appreciated, cheers, Baz Watkins.
Dj Daffy
Hello, thank you for acceptance for my friendship
good day !
Dj Daffy
Dj Daffy
Gruß, mein neues Remix Démo MixNight 2007 und verfügbaren Juli hat das Abhören
Yeah man, what did you do with me ?
I cant live without your mixes anymore. Theyre just playing everywhere, where I am.
Also my friends got infected by it already. Thats awesome!
GreeTz Marcel
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