james barbadoro

From Italy
Basic Info
Birth Date:
November 30, 1999
Last Login:
April 30, 2013
Member Since:
March 3, 2013
RSS Subscribers:
About Me
Freelance deejay and speaker .
Genere: House / Soul / Electronic / Dance / Dub / Funk
mail: giacomobarbadoro@libero.it

James Barbadoro svisceratamente legato alla musica, sin da bambino si divertiva ballare su qualsiasi nota... A 12 anni inizia a suonare la tromba, grazie al nonno paterno, maestro di musica; purtroppo s' innamora dei giradischi subito dopo, tradendo lo strumento...Al compimento della maggiore età, è gia resident in discoteca e prima di partire per la leva militare Bolognese (4 aprile 1993), lavora le 31 serate di marzo nel Club Amnesia di Urbino (suo record ineguagliato).Dall' estate 94' non si è più fermato, lavorando un po' ovunque tra discoclub, discobar e Radio.. Musicalmente ascoltata tutto, strizzando l' occhio a ciò che è ritmicamente valido e nero, nei suoi set infatti, non mancherà mai l'ANIMA...


James Barbadoro dearly related to music, as a child he enjoyed dancing to any note ... At 12 he started playing the trumpet, thanks to his grandfather, a music teacher, but unfortunately he falls in love with turntable immediately after, betraying the instrument ... At the age of majority is already DJresident in the disco and before leaving for the military in Bologna(4 April 1993), He works, the thirty-one evenings of March in the Club Amnesia in Urbino(his unmatched record). From summer of 1994 has not stopped since, working anywhere between discoclub, disco and radio .. Musically heard everything, squeezing 's eye to what is rhythmically valid and black, in his sets in fact do not miss the SOUL ...

He worked for:
1 Amnesia Club (Urbino italy)
2 Academy Club (Italy)
3 Masai Club (Italy)
4 OraX Club (Italy)
5 Shalimar Club (Senigallia, Italy)
6 The Hut Club (Italy)
7 Radio Incontro (Pesaro, Italy)
8 Radio Fano (Fano, Italy)
9 QClub (Urbino, Italy)
10 Eden Rock Club (Gabicce Monte Italy)
11 MoM Discobar (Fano, Italy)
12.Sofia Club (Cattolica Italy)
13. Prince Club (Riccione, Italy)
14.Miù Miù Club (Marotta Italy)
and many other clubs...

Works for:
Greenbar Discobar (Fano, Italy) http://www.facebook.com/pages/GreenBar-Fano/129302...
Radio Esmeralda (Fano, Italy)

MAIL: giacomobarbadoro@libero.it