
From Lima
Basic Info
Birth Date:
July 30, 1991
Lima »
Last Login:
December 22, 2012
Member Since:
December 22, 2012
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About Me
LUCKZHITOW one of the hardest working members of TEAM NETWORKS INC, he is also the most flirtatious and all the girls follow him where ever he goes.

Many people look bad upon him as his face and body are somewhat odd, but once they get to know him they realized that he is the one fried that you can always count on.

He might always look serious and upset but that’s just the shape of his face. Besides Bomichis special talent is making everyplace he stays the most joyful and joyous moment for all.

Luckzhitow Es el mas emprendedor , y el mas pícaro de los Team Networks Inc, todas las chicas lo siguen,. Muchas personas piensan mal de el por su cara y su forma de ser pero cuando lo conocen de fondo se dan cuenta que siempre puedes confiar en el ya que cuando sus amigos lo necesitan siempre dice presente. Su físico es poco usual por lo que mucha gente piensa que esta serio y de mal humor solo es la forma de su cara. Su poder especial es el de convertir cualquier sitio aburrido en alegre.