
From Houston, United States
Basic Info
Birth Date:
November 30, 1999
Last Login:
August 18, 2015
Member Since:
September 5, 2006
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eDedeejay Page
About Me
I started my career mixing at the age of 17, first just really editing songs more than mixes multiple songs. By the time I purchased my equipment and using my moms old albums and then later starting my collection I was almost 19. For the next 10 years I spent mixing tapes for my friends and doing parties as a mobile DJ. I was doing R&B and Hip Hop for parties and forever mixing my own house music tapes. Because I left Chicago in 1984 to join the US Air Force, I lost the house music crowd. I later retired from the mobile DJ scene about 10 years ago and went back to mixing exclusively for close friends and family for special events and of course making music for myself. Now I've return to doing house music because I found a way to share my passion for house music with others. Thanks Mixupload staff for giving a guy a chance to share with the world!