soundstylist updated her profile information.
soundstylist updated her profile photo.
Hi Soundstylist please vole for me and hope u like my mix smile
Hello again soundstylist smile)
Try my mix on the following link
Its my third style i play and its called: Techno
Can you give me your votes please? i'm interested what you think about it.
How many stars of voting you give me ?
Greetings from Zuerich <3
thank you 4 your votes smile)
Hi Miss smile)
Try my mix on the following link, whit witch i received an invitation to kaZantip 2012 smile)
The style is MinimalTech. I hope you like it
p.s. Can you give me your votes please? i'm interested what you think about it.
how many stars of voting you give me ?
Done smile Many Thanks smile
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