Hello Hello my dear Angel O smile)
Thats my other genre i play, with and without vocals smile)
It must be energized !! smile) Do You give me your vote please?
I'm interested what the people mean about this mix
) Thanks a lot smile)
Greetings from Zuerich & THANK YOU VERY MUCH FROM MY HEART TO SUPPORT ME TO kaZantip 2012
Hi mate, first i'll send you greetings from Zuerich/Swiss smile)
Try my mix on the following link, whit witch i received an invitation to kaZantip 2012 smile)
The style is MinimalTech. I hope you will like it
p.s. Can you give me your votes please? i'm interested what you think about it.
how many stars of voting you give me smile ?
hi how are you, i saw you on the sites members list and thought you might like to join networks. thanks -David
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