Dj Morillo

From Amsterdam, Netherlands
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Bas Loubert
Hi Morillo, thanks for your vote on Mix Mania #29 October 2009. I appreciate the 50 points! Greetzzz from Vlissingen...
Hi Morillo, many thanks for your vote to my Asylum Party 2009 mix. The new one : Tribute to Wonderland Ibiza Closing 2009 is now online. Just click on my name to find it.
thanks for the comment and the good musicsmile
thanks for the support ma friend !
thanks for the vote . on TEKTONIC
Bas Loubert
Thanks for the vote on Mix Mania #28 September 2009. I appreciate the 50 points! Greetzzz from Vlissingen...
hanks very much for yor vote and comment - much appreciated! Today it he) will hang also pullsometro vol 37 I hope that you like tambineWink
Hi morillo!!! Wink thank you for listening to the mix and the inconvenience(trouble) to put commentary I order you my better desires by the this summer end an embrace dj.pull
Dj Morillo
Thanks man, for your vote and lovely comment.
Dj Morillo
Hey man, dacht dat je dat al eerder had gezien, maar ksnap nie zo goed wat ik zo heb. Gr & succes
dj sindeleria
haha, je bent uit nederland, dus je hebt ze zo de groetjes mzllll
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