J. B. Tome Jr

From Brasilia, Brazil
Fiverr Great logos or image for covers
  • Bobby Rhymer Bobby Rhymer
  • Dr.sY Dr.sY
  • DJ Seroton DJ Seroton
  • Deejay Angelo Deejay Angelo
  • Derek Hall Derek Hall
  • DjNaCe! DjNaCe!
  • N.I DJ N.I DJ
  • MadameFLY MadameFLY
Bobby Rhymer
Hey there JB.....thanks for the kind words and your vote buddy. smile
Thanks buddy, Hope you're digging all these sets it makes me toes curl and my hair stand on end smile Enjoy Mate Peace Love n Unity!
Deejay Angelo
hello thank you very much for your votes, greatly appreciated, best regards !!
Bobby Rhymer
thanks buddy....Im glad you liked it smile
Bobby Rhymer
Appreciate your vote buddy smile
DJ Seroton
sorry bout the code thing .. thought it would turn into a mini player smile
DJ Seroton
Thanks for your kinds words on Unwind (Vol 3). Glad you enjoyed smile

<object style="height: 350px; width: 350px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.mix.dj/players/v4/player.swf"><param name="allowF...
Bobby Rhymer
your kind comments and support is always appreciated my friend smile
Deejay Angelo
hello J B , thank you very much for your vote, greatly appreciated, have a good week end !!
Thank You For your support most appreciated. Thank you kindly and hope you'll continue to enjoy the music that brings us all together. Dr.sY
Deejay Angelo
hello thank you very much for your vote, much appreciated, cheers !!
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