
From Las Vegas, United States
Fiverr Sound Effects
  • DJ Lord Heyz DJ Lord Heyz
  • clarissa gnade clarissa gnade
  • Akshara Akshara
  • DjNaCe! DjNaCe!
  • Nizzy Nizzy
  • djmimic djmimic
  • Dj Beatmen Dj Beatmen
  • Sleepwalk Sleepwalk
  • pas suel pas suel
  • TheUpSetMan TheUpSetMan
this is amazing
hey...was just wondering why we can't download anymore, like on the old site. I always need to keep your stuff.
DJ Smokie
thank you for support...! I'm glad you like my proggy froggy series.
all the best ;-)
DJ Lord Heyz
LLOOLL no, binary code, must've gone on vacation, set everyone as "HIS" lol, sorry about the confusion, my brain carried over from my chat with Sleep, we just talked about binary code, my bad, caffien...
DJ Lord Heyz
Yo LV, that's hillarious.... Profile foto smash!!! should speak for itself, oh well, binary on vacation... lol have a gr8 weekend

Sleep...I want you to listen to this mix, it's a friend of mine named Mira Drala who lives here in Vegas, called The Tilt of the Earth. The whole ...
DJ Lord Heyz
Thank you so much DirtEMinimal, your comments are the best! the artwork is an integral part of production and sometimes takes forever to find, but totally worth it when it's appreciated in such a way,...
Dj Beatmen
Thanks for comment a realy appreciated Wink take care xx
hey.. you´re still alive.. hehe* thx for your massive feedback! greetz
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