Hello djneros, thanks for your support on "Camouflage" it's much appreciated, have a gr8 week my friend,
thanx for your support!!!koko
Hallo djneros smile) erst mal bedanke ich mich für deine votes !! ja, es ist ein vinyl mix smile) für kaZantip wollte ich einen vinyl-mix machen smile)
Hi mate, first i'll send you greetings from Zuerich/Swiss smile)
Try my mix on the following link, whit witch i received an invitation to kaZantip 2012 smile)
The style is MinimalTech. I hope you will like it
p.s. Can you give me your votes please? i'm interested what you think about it.
how many stars of voting you give me smile ?
Thank for your support I Appreciate It....
Enjoy more mix sessions coming soon
big thank for your support
Thanks for listening and voting on my latest Minimal Techno mix, have a great weekend. Nizzy smile
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