
From Letchworth
Basic Info
Birth Date:
November 30, 1999
Last Login:
January 20, 2017
Member Since:
August 22, 2005
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About Me
Dan (Nonny Porn) can only be described as a late starter when it comes to DJing, but he has made up for his lost time by making sure that his mixing skills and dedication have fast tracked him into playing venues all over London and beyond. He now brings his uplifting funky house to the masses in the UK. From smaller venues in London like Trafik (Hoxton Square), various boat parties, OneTen Old Street, QBar and some of the bigger London clubs : Heaven, Pacha and Turnmills.

Always over critical, sometimes to the point of annoyance, he always wants to give his best. Anything but his best, results in hours of practice to perfect that mix that in his words wasnt quite bang on.

His blend of soulful, happy and uplifting funky house means that his style is suited to bring a bit of cheer and happiness both in the Summer and in those cold bleak English Winter months.