sasha b

From Munich, Germany
Basic Info
Birth Date:
April 28, 1976
Last Login:
April 13, 2011
Member Since:
February 20, 2011
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About Me
about 16 years ago sasha b. was first introduced to electronic music by someone who until this day remains one of his closest friends.

Back then he worked in a small club in Munich, this gave him the opportunity to play around with the turntables before the venue opened.

Only 3 months later he got his first spot, playing warm up DJ every Sunday evening for "44 degree" at "Nachtwerk Club".
By mid 1996, his raw talent gained him his first residency at "Electric Delicate" for more than 4 years.

At this time he was known as "Brain X" playing alongside exciting DJs such as Toni Rios, Paul Cooper, Massimo and Marco Cannata amongst others.

In 2002 it was once again his old friend Peter, who "pushed him" in musical terms, giving him a CD of DJ Sasha..

Since then sasha b. is into Tech/Prog-House and he got end of 2010 his own radio show "sorted!" on the web radio