venus fly

From San Francisco, United States
Basic Info
Birth Date:
September 27, 1976
Last Login:
December 1, 2010
Member Since:
December 1, 2010
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About Me
eyeSOAR studios presents the venus fly projection. one of distant measure unknown, but yet, here NOW providing a voyage through an omnious range of influential materials produced by a multitude of artists from all over the world, blended into one amazing sonic smoothie...mixed with a taste you can enjoy twisted with hints of unfamiliar flavors... soulfully capturing sound appealing to those in desire straits of sensual, intelligent, mind, body and soul provoking, deliciously delivered fresh, chopped and screwed frequencies for your uncensored listening pleasure.

JAM packs every mix with the beat of every Heart that skips to the beat of that of another, the Venus Fly is that of your lover.
From one spectrum to the other, tune in and turn this one on for simple pleasures one cannot nearly measure alone.