* C.R

From Edinburgh, Scotland
Fiverr Sound Effects
  • Digital Defeckt Digital Defeckt
  • Rectified Rectified
  • Juusjester Juusjester
  • Tim Angrave Tim Angrave
your always welcome bro Wink
Tim Angrave
Hello there. Thanks for checking in again. All the best, Tim.
Thanks for checking out Propeller, DD and I appreciate the support
Thanks for checking out Propeller, DD and I appreciate the support.
Tim Angrave
Hiya. HUGE Thanks for your support on my latest chillout mix. I really appreciate it, Tim.
Digital Defeckt
lol nevermind... looks like you checked out Propeller already! Thanx!
Digital Defeckt
Hi C.R.! Thank you so much for taking the time to listen and vote! I appreciate the kind words and I am happy to know you enjoyed the mix! If you liked Circuit Breaker you may like this mix. http://ww...
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